Spring cleaning for Good Energy
- At April 19, 2015
- By blueirisdesigns@msn.com
- In Feng shui
Spring cleaning is a great way to embrace the new season, clear out the old and welcome in some good Feng Shui energy. Here are some tips on how to get organized:
Kick off your spring cleaning by getting organized:
- Pick up and eliminate clutter in each room before you start cleaning.
- Try placing a cardboard box and two or three garbage bags in each room you’re decluttering.
- Then, fill them as you sort through your shelves, cabinets, and closets
Donate & Store
- Donate old books, magazines, toys, and clothes that you don’t wear to charity, or fill a box for your next garage sale.
- Donate items that can still be used. If it’s broken, torn or well worn, throw it away.
- If you can’t bear to give away old magazines and books, box them up and store them out of the way
Clear Out Your Kitchen
- Take time to clear out your pantry, kitchen cabinets, and drawers.
- Wipe out and install fresh shelf paper.
- Store or donate equipment you don’t use, such as small appliances or cookware.
- Discard stale spices or dated items such as baking powder.
- Clean the refrigerator and freezer.
- Vacuum the cooling coils under or behind your refrigerator.
Make a Wardrobe Transition
- Now that it’s warm outside, have your winter clothes cleaned. Don’t store dirty clothes.
- Consider storing clothes at a dry cleaner if you don’t have enough space.
- Put away gloves, winter clothing items, and boots to make room for spring/summer clothing.
Freshen Bedrooms
- Add bright or soft spring colors and remove fall, winter, or holiday colors.
- Rotate and flip mattresses.
- Wash blankets or comforters or take them to be cleaned.
- Wash mattress pad and bed skirt.
- Have pillows professionally cleaned or hang them outside in the fresh air, or freshen with the air (no heat) cycle of your clothes dryer.
- Wash or dry clean rugs.
Clean out Bathrooms
- Refresh or replace old products.
- Go through your medicine cabinets and safely discard any outdated products.
- Replace worn bath mats, shower curtains, and liners, or wash and dry shower curtains and liners.
Doing these things (even some of these) will excite the energy in your home and create a positive energy flow. What does that mean? Your home will FEEL amazing! And so will you!
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